North Lake Sunrise


North Lake Sunrise

from $99.00

The 17x22" print consists of a 12 x 18" image surrounded by 2" and  2.5" borders. (Please see “Additional Info” below). The 8 x 12" print has a minimal 3/16" border suitable for standard 8 x 12" frames and is not available with mat and backing. Prints with Mat and Backing are shipped in flat boxes and the Print-Only versions come in a sturdy mailing tube. Please choose the corresponding shipping option at checkout. (Copyright logo does not appear on the prints.)

Matting or Print Only:
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All materials used are acid free and archival. The 17 x 22 prints are signed and numbered and limited to no more than 50 copies of each image at that size.

Graphic showing border areas on horizontal and vertical  17x22" prints.